Faery Witchcraft

The Fae

Faery, faerie, or fairy (spelling varies) is a magical current of power that taps ancient forces of nature. In traditional lore, the Fae, the beings that carry this power, are a diverse group of entities that exist in a betwixt state outside of time and close to the source of creation.

They are deeply intertwined with the natural forces, landscapes of the earth, deserts, mountains, waterways, weather, trees, and plants. For this reason, their magic has a thread of chaos running through it and they can be unpredictable or dangerous at times, especially from our human vantage point.

The Fae are shapeshifters and therefore can appear to us in a variety of forms, such as part insect and part humanoid, or like serpents or other animals, giants, and many other multitudinous forms (much like the shapeshifting nature of some human souls). Their realms are subterranean but lead to the stars.

Faery Magic

  • The Sight – the ability to ‘see’ or know the past, present, and future
  • Visionary inspiration for art, music, poetry, dance, drag, and storytelling
  • Spirit Traveling – experiencing other realms or states of being
  • Time magic and being in states of enchantment
  • Healing through plants, moving energy, and removal of illness and disease
  • Being able to read and work with the forces of nature, communing with plant spirits
  • Awakening sensual relationships with nature, land, and spirit realms
  • Vivid, lucid, and prophecy dreaming
  • Glamour, magnetism, artistry, and beauty magic
  • Healing in dreams, working on problems in the dream state
  • Being able to shift into and out of altered states of being at will
  • Work with the realms of ancestors and the dead
  • The witch’s shapeshifting bodies as an access point for mediating faery powers

Faery Lovers

Some faery will work more intimately with humans to mediate power from the inner landscape to the outer landscape. Working with these entities and the abilities that they might share with us requires commitment and deep heartfelt dedication. The faery will know what is in our hearts and can sense our intentions as we will appear to them how we really are. 

Say you are drawn to the Fae, or you feel these spirits drawing near to you. Here are a few ways to open yourself up to their magic and forge connections with faery entities

  • Start with honoring your ancestors, faery is found through your ancestral traditions, starting with the human dead and underworld realms
  • Leave out consistent offerings (milk, honey, fruit, liquor, etc.) Do a divination to figure out what offerings should be left out, which days of the week, or at what time of day (sunrise, sunset, midnight). This will help reveal what types of faeries you are attracting as well
  • Deepen your relationship with the natural world, be outside, know the weather, landscapes, animals, history of the land, and plants around where you live
  • Develop plant practices, especially with plants that are sacred to the Fae and in magic. Form relationships with these plant guides
  • Offer the faery gifts of your prayers, poetry, art, your love, your time, your songs
  • Develop visionary, psychic, and mediumship skills to be able to ‘see’, feel and travel into their world in altered states and dreams
  • Build altars for the Fae in your home and outside and feed them with offerings and energy regularly
  • Be open, receptive and perceptive, listen, and observe the spiritual dimension that overlays, crosses with, and underpins our physical surroundings (this can look like flashes of light out of the corner of your eyes, a sense of a cobweb-like thickness in the air, awareness of waves or static, or other energetic movements–think experiences that mirror being on psychedelics or entheogens)
  • Learn about and read faery customs, folklore, and stories from your ancestral traditions (most spiritual traditions have some kind of faery-like beings you can learn from and connect with)

Anytime you are dealing with the spirit realm, it is important to be discerning. Ask questions, practice trusting your instincts, and learn to treat the spirit realms as just as real as the waking one of our everyday lives. And when something feels off, investigate further. Is it a complex you are projecting onto the spirit realm? Or is there something deeper going on? You can always ask your ancestors for protection and guidance as well as seek out other guides, spirits, or gods. The plants, especially the poisonous plants, are supportive guides, teachers, and protectors to align yourself with when you venture into work with the Fae.