New Moon Plant Horoscopes: Elul

Plant Horoscopes for the month of Elul from the 18th of August to the 15th of September

Find out what your plant of the month is and read your horoscope message from the plant spirits. Read for your Sun and Rising sign.

Aries Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Dandelion

Horoscope – It’s a heart-opening month, a time to embrace your joy and feel comfortable in doing so. Even with so much happening in the world around you, there is space for you to experience the ecstatic bliss of being who you are. Break out from any self-imposed restrictions and allow yourself the room to move into radical self-expression.

Taurus Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Rue

Horoscope – This will be a witchy-themed month for your sign with opportunities to dive into the inner mysteries of nature. You can commune with plants, speak with trees, and discover your natural aptitude for sensing the unseen. Explore your psychic and magical abilities and embrace the sacred call of your divine self.

Gemini Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Oatstraw

Horoscope – Silence, peace, and solitude can bring you a much-needed respite. This month, try to embrace rest as a radical act. Take a break from having to figure anything out. Sink into some luscious time in bed, sleep under the stars, or celebrate and unwind with friends and chosen family. There is deep nourishment for you to receive right now, be open to absorbing it into your being.

Cancer Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Mugwort

Horoscope – Your dreams are calling to you this month. From the Otherworld, the subtle, but powerful nature of the dreamworld, draws closer to you. Look to your inner vision for where to go next. The deepest aspects of your soul will guide your way forward. You are nearing a growth edge and will soon push through even the trickiest riddles that life has presented you with.

Leo Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – St. Johns Wort

Horoscope – This month, you are likely to be coaxed out of your usual routines to participate in a unique event or community happening that will get the wheels of your mind turning. Use this present moment as a jumping-off point for your next endeavor. You are on lush and fertile ground that is ready for planting. Now is an ideal time to access your inner vision to reveal what seeds are ripe for sowing.

Virgo Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Hawthorn

Horoscope – Magic is everywhere and you sense these potent forces of nature at work in your life. Make space to seek nourishment, guidance, and protection this month. A gentle or small adjustment to your daily routines can provide you with a calming solace that quiets anxieties and settles the body and mind. When it comes to the larger questions of your unfolding, let this magic reveal itself in time, patience is everything right now.

Libra Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Delphinium

Horoscope – Open your heart to the mystical forces of nature this month, especially the ones that connect you with play, joy, and ecstasy. You are likely to encounter a deepening awareness about the aliveness of the world around you which can inspire and unveil incredible insights. This sense of connection anchors you to your body, the land, and where you are in this present moment.

Scorpio Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Morning Glory

Horoscope – This month, you can be acutely aware that you poised between two worlds, one above and one below. Also take note of the potent crossroads that weave into your being. You can sense these elemental and protective powers all around you. This is an ideal time to cleanse, declutter, clear out old habits and reset with a renewed sense of purpose, meaning, and direction.

Sagittarius Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Motherwort

Horoscope – Give yourself grace this month. There are changes in your life that are afoot that can be a bit destabilizing. As you seek solid ground, recognize that relief will arrive soon enough. Right now, try to find anchors in unlikely places. While you orient yourself to your life in this present moment, it will help to have strong routines to root back into as well as supportive networks, community, and friends you can rely on.

Capricorn Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Apple

Horoscope – You can crave tangible results this month, but be mindful that a dream or desire might need more time to brew. Give yourself space to shift your attention to something different at the moment. Consider if it is time to take a break from working on particular endeavors or goals. Some space away can be refreshing and provide you with much-needed clarity and perspective.

Aquarius Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – California Poppy

Horoscope – Delve into an area of study that is speaking to you right now. You will tend to have a thirst for uncovering something deep, magical, and true. Keep going until you feel you cannot go any further and push a little deeper toward the underlying patterns that make up reality. Explore the expansiveness of your magic and embrace being a weaver on the loom of life.

Pisces Plant Horoscope

Plant of the month – Blue Vervain

Horoscope – Seek your inner vision; the poet and seer will awaken, stirring from deep within your being this month. Consider how you can ground your psychic or spiritual abilities into a devotional practice or house them in the protective boundaries of a tradition. Your spiritual path is opening up new roads; cultivate your discernment so you can receive the signs with clarity.

Are you on a healing journey? Work with me and the plant spirits with a plant reading, plant spirit art painting or astrology reading. Explore my spiritual services

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